As per TS DSE instructions, HMs have to upload School infrastructure details in Student Unique Card App. Download Data Collection Proforma User Manual and App here
All the District Educational Officers in the State are informed that for effective monitoring of infrastructure facilities in all schools in the State, the development of GIS based software for decision supporting system is being taken up by the dept. through M/s GIT, Hyderabad. But due to lack of correct information, the development of said software is getting delayed. In this regard, M/s. Student Unique Card India Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad has come forward with a Mobile App solution to get the said Building information data of all schools in the State The firm has developed & maintaining a "Student Unique Card" app available in Google Play Store / App Store. As per the requirement of the Department, the firm has modified the App and incorporated all the fields required by the Department for collecting the following Building information: 1. School land particulars (proforma-I) 2. Building information (proforma-II) 3. Usage of existing rooms (proforma-III) 4. Toilets details (proforma-IV) 5. Other particulars (proforma-V) such as Compound wall, furniture, drinking water, electrification etc.
The above mentioned five proformas (5 Nos) are attached to the (11--oceedings and these proformas are to be filled by the respective Head Master of the school immediately i.e. before 13-03.2019 and keep ready for uploading the same data through the Mobile app. using his Smart phone. The mobile app details will be sent separately very soon. The above information is required to complete the software development of GIS based analysis for the schools as such should be treated as MOST URGENT