TS School Complex meetings Schedule, Agenda Items, Module
TS School Complex meetings Schedule, TS School Complex Level trainings time table, Agenda Items, Discussing items, TS School Complex meetings, Training module for School complex Head masters : DSE Telangana and RMSA has given detailed guidelines for conducting of School Complex Level Training for primary teachers and upper primary teachers for this academic year in effective manner. So, School Complex level trainings should be conducted at cluster level for primary school and upper primary school teachers on expected themes and organizing complex meetings at cluster level is one of strategy to enhance the capacity building of the teachers provide continuous support to the teachers for improvement of quality education. In this connection a Training module prepared for School complex Head masters for conduct of SC Meetings. In this module, TS School Complex Level Trainings Schedule/ Time table, Agenda Items(Discussing items, Duties of SC HM, Schools Monitoring and more details have been placed.
School Complex meeting activities:
Organization of School Complex Meetings
• 'Ihe services of DRPs/ SRGs who have conducted the training at District/ Sub District Level in the Learning Outcomes shall be utilized as a Resource person for the school complex meetings.
• Therefore each School complex meeting may be tagged with one DRP. If sufficient DRPs are not available, the services of SRGs of concerned districts and the expert teachers who worked earlier as DRPs/MRPs may also be considered. If sufficient numbers of Resource Persons are not available, any good resourceful teacher in the Mandal or in the School Complex jurisdiction may be considered
as strong teacher.
• The school complex meetings shall function in the form of workshop mode, discussion centered, shall give scope for more hands on experience through group work/pair work/individual work.
• The School Complex Meetings shall be monitored by the Nodal Officer, and the concerned Sectoral Officers of SSA and RMSA at District Level, Principal & faculty of DIET /CTE/IASEs.
Therefore, all the DEOs are in the State are requested to take immediate measures for effective conduct of School Complex Meetings within the first week of this month, where the School Complex Meetings shall act as a catalyst to improve the academic performance of the students with special emphasis on attainment of the Learning Outcomes.
School Complex Meeting Agenda:
The suggested agenda for the First meeting for Primary Level/ UP/ Secondary level is as follows:
First Session: (9.30 am to 11.00 am):
1. Display of Teaching plans: lesson plans/unit plans already prepared by the participants in their respective schools.
2. Each participant will examine the plans of others (at least two or three)
3. Discussion and reflections on the best features of the lesson plans on intended learning outcomes (Academic standards), content mapping, Teaching Learning process, learning experiences, use of TLM, Motivation, Activities, assessment processes, innovations and other relevant things.
4. Preparation of a unit plan/lessons plan in groups based on the observations and discussions generated in the session on the topics of forthcoming syllabi.
Second Session (11.15 to 1.00 Pm):
1. Lesson demonstration by each group and followed by discussions – on feasibility, practicality in the classroom; Any innovative classroom practices, content organization, lesson presentation: assessing pre-requisite abilities, abridging of new concepts, sequence of learning activities, use of appropriate learner centered pedagogical interventions, involvement of learners in learning process, organizational aspects of lesson presentation, learner assessment.
Third session (2.00-3.30 pm):
1. List out the Identified learning difficulties of the students in the topics that were taught during June & July.
2. Categorization of topics under broader areas.
3. Discussions to find out the root cause of the difficulties and for exploring possible solutions.
4. Preparation of plan of action individually or if the problem is similar make a group and plan in group then implement in their respective classrooms.
5. Preparation of log book for implementation of above said plan indicating date, specific action initiated. (The log book should be brought to the next school complex meeting for review).
Fourth Session (3.45 pm to 5.00 pm):
1. Identification of Academic standards (learning outcomes) for the topics to be covered under first formative assessment.
2. Discussions on the various assessment tools to be employed for formative assessment in accordance with the academic standards identified.
3. Planning process: Evolving broader framework for first formative assessment – what content?
Which Academic standards? What Assessment tools?
4. Themes of the projects, scope of the project and criteria for its assessment
5. Self writing tasks/Creative writing tasks and its assessment in languages
6. Preparation of test items.
7. Follow up Action at School level:
8. Implementation of Assessment Frame work
9. Analysis of Pupil performance, identification of learning difficulties, remedial measures initiated to overcome the learning difficulties and success of the intervention.
10. The experiences of followup action shall be shared in the next school complex meeting.
Organization of School Complex Meetings:
1. The services of DRPs who have conducted the training at sub-district level may be utilized as a Resource person for the school complex meeting
2. Therefore each School complex meeting may be tagged with one DRP. If sufficient DRPs are not available, the services of SRGs of concerned districts and the expert teachers who worked earlier as DRPs/MRPs may also be considered.
3. The school complex meetings shall function in the form of workshop mode, discussion centered, shall give scope for more hands on experience through group work/pair work/individual work.
4. The school complex meetings shall reflect the felt needs of the teachers and try to offer the solutions on the professional challenges they met in terms of pedagogical and content issues, but care should be taken that it should be in the gambit of the agenda of the meeting.